So there is more to Avatar than just blue aliens, such as; the eye-watering 3D, dazzling special effects, astounding set-pieces and great casting.
Nonetheless, I’m sure you can name hundreds of great movies, perhaps ones you hold in even higher standard than James Cameron’s latest creation. But have any of them achieved the number of bums on seats as Avatar? Well, considering the only other movie to reach this colossal box office total was Titanic, obviously not.
Ok smarty pants I hear you cry, why is it so popular? Well, there is no definitive answer to that question because everyone will have their different view.
But here is my rather clinical break-down of what makes/made Avatar into possibly the biggest blockbuster of all time:
**Spoiler Alert**
Love Story/Action Scenes –

Whether you think it’s cheesy or not, the love story in Avatar helps make the movie appeal to a wider audience. If Avatar was purely a 3-D based action movie then I think it’s safe to say the gender of the audience would be heavily favoured in one direction. But as Avatar appeals to both genders it attracts a wider audience.
3D/Special Effects –
The 3D has been continually hyped since almost the day James Cameron confirmed it would be filmed in this dimension. Numerous articles and features in the newspapers, websites, television programmes etc all discussing the new innovative technology that would finally bring the 3D immersion that Cameron desired.
Anticipation –
James Cameron had reportedly written a script of Avatar back in 1994, but because the technology then couldn’t match his vision the movie was held back. Thus we have had to wait almost 15 years after first hearing about Cameron’s next big movie. That’s a long time, and no wonder each little news snippet that was released between this period only helped increase the hype bit by bit.
Titanic –
When your movie wins 11, that’s right 11 Oscars and becomes the highest-grossing film of all time, it’s perhaps unsurprising that everyone is waiting to see what that director does next. It could be fair to say that once some people heard Avatar was to be directed by the same person as Titanic, it perhaps convinced them to go see it.
Marketing/Word of Mouth –
The marketing for Avatar was genius, with only tiny snippets of information being released early on before a massive worldwide launch of the first Avatar trailer. Movie Trailer websites crashed under the load and forums went crazy with discussion as the film that had been already been highly anticipated was finally revealed. The power of word of mouth shouldn’t be underestimated. If a family or friend recommends a film to you, then you are probably more likely to see it. Thus with the millions going to see Avatar around the world and then recommending it to their own family or friends you can kind of see how it is close to topping the all-time charts.
Sci-Fi –
Science Fiction movies always have a good chance of being a box office success due to the fan base. The likes of Star Wars, Alien and The Matrix have huge fan bases with millions of dedicated followers. The Internet has been waiting for the next cultural phenomenon, and Avatar has filled that void. Numerous fan sites and forums have been setup in worship and some dedicated fans are reportedly suffering from depression after longing to live in Pandora.
That’s it. Those six points above are what I think has made Avatar into the box office success it is.
James Underwood
Do you agree? Is there anything missing? Perhaps you were rather disappointed with Avatar?
Either way, let us know in the comments below:
The marketing for Avatar was genius, with only tiny snippets of information being released early on before a massive worldwide launch of the first Avatar trailer. Movie Trailer websites crashed under the load and forums went crazy with discussion as the film that had been already been highly anticipated was finally revealed. The power of word of mouth shouldn’t be underestimated. If a family or friend recommends a film to you, then you are probably more likely to see it. Thus with the millions going to see Avatar around the world and then recommending it to their own family or friends you can kind of see how it is close to topping the all-time charts.
Sci-Fi –
Science Fiction movies always have a good chance of being a box office success due to the fan base. The likes of Star Wars, Alien and The Matrix have huge fan bases with millions of dedicated followers. The Internet has been waiting for the next cultural phenomenon, and Avatar has filled that void. Numerous fan sites and forums have been setup in worship and some dedicated fans are reportedly suffering from depression after longing to live in Pandora.
That’s it. Those six points above are what I think has made Avatar into the box office success it is.
James Underwood
Do you agree? Is there anything missing? Perhaps you were rather disappointed with Avatar?
Either way, let us know in the comments below: