You've probably heard that a new Haunted Mansion movie directed by horror film maker Guillermo Del Toro was announced at San Diego's ComicCon two days ago. I'm pretty sure that Del Toro is a certainly a good choice, and the same day Disney Studios unveiled the poster below which was a limited edition. 999 prints were printed for 999 San Diego's ComicCon lucky fans.
Brandon Ragnar Johnson is the artist who designed this poster and as you can see he has put the Hatbox Ghost front and center in this work. It's interesting to note that Guillermo Del Toro confirmed that the new Haunted Mansion movie will focus on the Hatbox Ghost character.
All we have to do now is to wait for the movie but in the meantime here is for all of you who couldn't attend the ComicCon event this collector's poster. Just double click on the picture below to get it in high-res.
Picture: copyright Disney