Justin Bieber New Haircut!

 Justin Bieber haircut is once again in news and this time it's true. Early Monday morning her tweeted, "thinking about getting a haircut....hmmmmmm." and then appeared with a new haircut on the sets of TMZ Live.

Justin Bieber haircut has added age to the otherwise childish face. The long locks have been chopped of and made into a stylish hair do. Justin Bieber went for a haircut for a music video for a song which he will be recording with Rascal Flatts. The haircut is by Justin Bieber's hair stylist Rachel. She has revealed that the singer was a bit nervous but then Justin Bieber admitted, "wanted to change it up" and once complete, that it was "kind of a mature look."

This haircut of Justin Bieber awaits to see reaction of the fans specially the female fans. Earlier haircut of Justin Bieber was just a shorter hairstyle but this one is a bit unruly. Debates have already begun, the conclusion is still to be decided. We wonder what Salena Gomez has to say about Justin Bieber haircut.
Fashion,Fashion Style Ttrends, hair Style, Fashion Style, Fashion Style Fashion,Fashion Style Ttrends, hair Style, Fashion Style, Fashion Style 2015